Of Current & Former
Pro & College Baseball Players
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We bring together current & former pro & college baseball players to more rapidly advance their accomplishments in business through accountability, building relationships with others on the same journey and sharing ideas so that we can grow our mindset, leadership skills, network and income in order to win for our families.
Apply for MembershipThe reality we all know is that baseball is a road which eventually comes to an end whether that is after college, playing in the minors or having a Hall of Fame career in the big leagues.
Unlike the clear path the bases present to achieve the objective of scoring runs to win a game, the other side is often filled with more questions than answers leaving a gap between a playing career ending and full potential in business being realized.
Without a bridge to walk across, guys have been left to figure it out on their own ... but those days are in the past.
Baseball and Business is an exclusive network of current and former pro and college players you can navigate the journey with together to more rapidly advance your accomplishments in business through growing your mindset, leadership skills, network and income to win for your family.
The middle of our logo represents the bridge built through Baseball and Business being launched from conversations between a group of pro and college players discussing the unique circumstances current and former players face.
We all know winning a championship has never and will never be won by a one man team. This formula to success on the field works just as well in business and life as a whole.
While our community is exclusive to current and former pro and college baseball players, it is for anyone in this fraternity no matter where they are at on their journey. Think about where you are hoping to be in a year.
Imagine how much better off you would be running this marathon journey in business with an elite group of ambitious guys who have shared life experience and will hold you accountable to be your best.
That’s why we created a place to be on a team beyond the field.
There’s a new jersey awaiting you.
We are Baseball and Business.
While our community is exclusive to current & former pro & college baseball players, it is for anyone in this fraternity no matter where they are at on their journey.
If you want to explore more first, our free content available to all is our podcast. Each episode features a current or former pro or college player sharing from their journey as an athlete and within business. The Baseball and Business Podcast is available on all major platforms.
Listen to The Baseball and Business Podcast